Friday 10 October 2014

Getting into the Swing

We're starting to settle down now and get into a bit more of a routine. We managed to do quite a few sessions of Montessori this week and even did a morning and afternoon on Wednesday. First time ever to do a full day and it went surprisingly well, though we were all quite tired afterwards.

Hannah is really into shapes at the minute. This is one of her favourites. It looks easy but she has struggled for a long time to be able to get all the pieces back in so she is very pleased with herself now that she can do it all on her own. 

Another shapes activity, here she is just making up pictures using the shapes. We're struggling to find a more structured way to use this material.

Because she seemed so interested in shapes I got the mini constructive triangles out. We've only done the first box so far but she likes it a lot and it seems just at the right level for her.

She is also enjoying some 'scarecrow' activities - number cards to use with the bead stair and a matching activity. I downloaded these from one of  my favourite blogs -

Finally Aliyah is showing some interest in writing in cursive. She had been doing some work with the green boxes and the moveable alphabet and then choose this practice sheet to fill in.

Aliyah was very excited to get to use the metal fractions as this activity is usually used by the 'big girl' It madin our co-op. It her feel very grown up but she did struggle when she got to the 9ths and 10ths. They do look very similar! She wanted to go on to labelling them but she really isn't quite ready for that.

She has done some adding before with the number rods. This time she was using the short bead bank. First she did a sheet of questions with answers up to 10 and then in the afternoon she asked to do some with answers in the teens.


  1. What does a Montessori session look like for you? How long is it and how often? Are the Materials restricted at other times? I'm toying with the idea of introducing a more structured work time as at the moment he just has free access and I'm not sure it's the best thing to do.

    1. Hi Elsa, We are just starting to build up more sessions a week now my eldest has turned 4. We usually do a 2.5 hour session on a Monday with some other families in our co-op. Then we do a Wednesday 3 hours in the morning at home just us and this week we added an afternoon too. On Thursday they do some Montessori at a friends house while I get some work done. Soon we're also going to be adding another co-op morning on a Friday too. The rest of the time they are allowed in our Montessori room if they want to without me but they know if they don't respect the equipment or don't put things away they will not be allowed in there. We have also said they are not allowed to take toys in there. They have a playroom so they can go there when they want to play. Mostly it works out ok and they do choose to do Montessori on their own quite often, every now and then I just have to remind them to put things away etc.

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