Monday 26 January 2015

Too busy to post ....

The last 3 months have been so busy I've not had time to post any pictures but here's a quick look at some of the things the girls have been doing since October. Hope to post more often now ...

Aliyah labelling the fractions:

Trying to tie a bow - it's harder than you think!

The nativity figures were out for the advent period.

New materials from 'Pythagora Educational'. A write on wipe off hundred board. I was very surprised how hard Aliyah worked on this. It kept her attention span much longer than usual.

Livvy with her Object Permanence box.

Aliyah has been working on skip counting with the short bead chains with her friend.

Our new activity for every other Friday - forest school. The girls loved it. Can't wait to go again.