Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Livvy's Space

Here's a few pictures of how Livvy's space has changed since she was born.

First we started with a mat and some black and white pictures to entertain her. She was happy there and everything seemed very easy.

As she grew we added the mirror and various mobiles to give her more to look at. She wriggled and batted a little at the mobiles.

Then she learnt to wriggle a bit more and started to get herself off the mat.

Then she learnt how to roll and could move around easily - that's when the trouble started :) She was now able to get her hands onto the shelves and all the little pieces on them.

I tried having her things on the bottom shelf and she did love helping herself to these but it soon became apparent that the beads and puzzles on the next shelf up were of course more interesting to her.

So that's when I decided she need her own space closed off. Here she had her first bookcase with 4 cubby holes and a nice soft cushion to keep her in. She still felt part of the room as the cushion was very low. However, it was only a few weeks till she had learnt how to climb over the cushion.

So it was time to give her more shelves and make her space more secure. Now she has 8 cubby holes. The table and the bookshelf close off her area.

This worked well and she enjoyed watching her sisters work.

However, now she can get her hands on the table, so no one can work there without her taking pieces of their work to chew on. She spends most of her time trying (and succeeding) to squeeze through the gap between the bookcase and the table.

So time to think again now about her space. She can pull herself up easily now and I'm guessing it'll only be a few months until she's walking. Does anyone have any ideas about creating a safe toddler space within a classroom for older children. I'd love to see how anyone else has set up their toddler spaces.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Competition Time

I'm very excited that we have a new product range in stock. It's the Safari Toobs. I love these. The girls had the Landmarks and Around the World toobs for Christmas and recently they have just had the instrument set. We've had so much fun with these. Not only have they matched them to their 3 part cards (downloaded from www.imagineourlife.com) but they also matched them to their sounds played through a tablet and later even watched clips of the instruments being played. This certainly covers a lot of learning styles.

We are starting out with about 10 different toobs but we hope to have a much bigger range soon so if there are any specific ones that you would like us to stock just let us know.

So to lauch the new Toobs we're running a competition. To enter just use the Rafflecopter below: